Disappointed in food
19:24 Cyndi 0 Comments
'je porte des lunettes'
16:41 Cyndi 0 Comments
Waffles - Oh my gosh, I remember in year 8 when she started wearing contacts and she looked really weird. Guess because we were so use to her wearing glasses and everything. Now we're pretty much use to her wearing glasses and she'd look weird with glasses.
Yea Rin - She has these awesome but expensive night dream contacts she wears when she sleeps and it makes her eyes better. Sometimes she wears her glasses in class and she looks wayyy different. She looks a lot smarter! AHA.
BecSTAR - Ahhhh, the person with the humungous eyes...wears glasses.
Milk - I have witnessed a sad sight in French class today...He wears glasses. Blue glasses which look extremely weird on him but he looks older and smarter. ahahah, is that a good thing?
Avocado - I've never seen her with glasses but Waffles told me she wears glasses. I remember her telling us that she couldn't see properly cause she was wearing these purple coloured contacts.
LurikaL - Yes, she wears glasses and I've seen her wear glasses but I couldn't even remember?! :O
SusiG - I can't remember but Harris says she does.
CamilleTooton - I have actually, never seen her with glasses. But BecSTAR says she does wear glasses.
Why do asians have such poor eyesights?
Yun, Bec, Harris, Faith, Emily Choi, Vivienne, Milk
all asian and all have poor eyesight =3=
That is all I can remember or list down.
Lens Circle
19:46 Cyndi 0 Comments
- My parents knew what they were before me
- Someone I know who has extremely small eyes has insanely larger eyes wearing them
- Some Hong Kong girl who I adore wears them
- I subscribe to youtube, bloggers etc and they wear them
- Look it up and its like a big trend in Asia
Item Code: CH625Grey Color ContactsIncluded (4 Items):
- 1 x Pair Of Contact Lenses (2 Lenses)
- 1 x Lens Care Card
- 1 x FREE Contact Lens Case
- 1 x FREE Gift Bag
Secret Sauce
18:55 Cyndi 0 Comments
15 hours PART 1
19:04 Cyndi 1 Comments
The only reason she had to go early was because of her stupid duty handing out the bibles and helping out with her friend. No one was here yet and Joelle and her two friends (I say 2 friends cause I can't remember their names...They both start with a V.) were in the chinese congregation playing on their DS's. Was so freaking bored, the english pastor walked past while I was putting in my headphones when the mandarin congregation started singing (don't understand a word they're saying -_-;;).... looked at me in a sort of mad/weird way o.O
I snuck to the toilets and went to the last column and tried to go to sleep on a toilet seat, with my headphones on, but it didn't work cause the sun from the window was shining on me too brightly!!!! So I stayed there for like 10 minutes and went out to get Mumsies keys to go sleep in the car.
Slept until 9:22 AM before going back inside and finally they were starting activities. FUNFUNFUN. The Chen brothers arrived and all was well and I was not as tired because they were funny. Elisha was doing all his gay hand movements. Gabrielle was talking about how he pinched the baby girl Kelly and I got free lollies. We made Christmas cards :D
10AM: Eh the dreaded Christian Education. Why is this part of time always so boring? I was sleeping during this time.
10:20AM: Activities, the part where is it so boring and the bit where Jess and me find a random spot to sit and I always have to sit next to the small-eyed dude who is hella ugly!!! I will have to sit next to another person next week because he is creeping me out.
Eugene and Michael is sitting in front of me. One left one right. They are very quiet. The guy sitting in front of me can do an awesome pen trick!!!! Dunno what his name is.
We learnt about Noah's ark :/ BORING. My tummy was grumbling all the way through.
11AM: FINALLY!!! CAN EAT!!! Usually they have lots of food at church but for some reason, there is no food yet. Damn. So we went off to eat at a restaurant, 'yoom'
08:14 Cyndi 2 Comments
17:06 Cyndi 2 Comments
Uhljjang is a Korean term that derived from '얼굴 짱' - literally 'best face', or 'hot face' - figuratively, one damn fine looking person! But not limited to! A broader definition would be C A M W H O R E ^.~
Junkie's list of how to be 'uhljjang'
-Big eyes - get circle lenses
-Pale face - also known as white
-Small mouth - ...
-Cute poses --->> Asian Poses
-Camwhore or Selca (look it up)
Note: Goo Hye Sun from Boys Before Flowers is an Uhljjang
Okay~ now onto pictures!
Personally, I would be scared if I saw one of these girls with those HUMUNGOUS eyes because they seem like a human sized doll more than a real life person but in Korea it's like hugggeee and everyone wants to be an Ulzzang because everyone wants to be pretty right?
But I think I'll fail if I ever tried ha-ha I think it takes a lot of work to be an ulzzang ^^;; You'd have to look perfect everywhere you go and have like perfect skin and your hair has to be perfect and you have to have like the latest fobby clothes. So you can wear them while you camwhore.
17:11 Cyndi 1 Comments
The Two Totally Cool Blondes Part 1
21:45 Cyndi 0 Comments
How to be Totally Cool Blondes!
Itwas requested and yes, I found the most stupid looking photo of them :)
A blonde asked someone what time it was, and they told her it was 4:45. The blonde, with a puzzled look on her face replied,Banana Louise Sandyers is a narcissist and I also think that Kayley Sellbee is also a narcissist as well. They're both very blonde but extremely smart at the same think which I think is impossible :/ They're both human-sized Barbie dolls and have many Kens surrounding her but of course they don't like Kens. Didn't you hear that Ken and Barbie broke up?! Because Barbie was having an affair with some other handsomer dude. Barbie is so plastic, yeah, she is. She's been round since 1940's or somewhat >.> I wonder who her plastic surgeon is.
"You know, it's the weirdest thing, I have been asking that question all day, and each time I get a different answer."
I shall have to think of what to write for Pa-pa-part TWO
I desteste school; i kan spell.
18:54 Cyndi 1 Comments
Flies...do not fly away anymore
20:35 Cyndi 0 Comments
5 minutes later
After posting the stupid puke worthy photo up on facebook I found out that the fly was alive. ALIVE!!!! It ran away to the side of my desk and started twitching its hands together secretly thinking - "This little asian girl just tried to kill me with it's evil giant hands. I shall have to attack and bring in re-inforcements. Let world war three officially BEGIN!!!!" I did not overreact. What's with flies rubbing their hands together anyways??!!!
SUDDENNLLYYY...... it starts crawling up my desk moving towards me.....Then I run away and get brave and tall Mandy with blonde highlights and big pants to come rescue me! Then she slaps the desk - DOESNT EVEN WORK!!!!
2004- fly lands on you, you fling and they fly away.
2009- fly lands on you, you fling they stay there and don't fly away!!!
GLOBAL WARMING???!!! o.O O.o o.O =3= i want them dead.
Continuing...she opens the desk drawer and it flies away nearby. Then I start feeling itchy so I take a shower.
Now it is not to be seen. But I think I'll have to stay awake just in case it really is alive and takes revenge on me. AHHHHHH help me!!!!!! I'm gonna have nightmaressss....
* SPECIAL NOTE requested by Bec*
Did you see Mrs. D with her hat today at school??
Where does she think she is?! Melbourne??
Gallop galloopp...go the horsies -_-
Asian Parents...
17:23 Cyndi 2 Comments
1. They're hardcore lecturers
So when I was little I asked them for help on a maths problem,
2 hours later -
They're still lecturing....their voice is so annoying and they stick to me like velcro to see if I can do it properly. If I don't another 2 hours of lecturing...Makes me want to fall asleep. zzzZZZ
2. They expect you to be the best at every subject
Ever experienced this:
"Maths A+ Science A+ Sport A+ French A+ Art A+ English B-
B minus?!!!"
Then they spank you like hell because you've got such a bad report...apparently so...
3. They have the worst furniture tastes
Why is it that all my non-Asian friends have such co-ordinated houses that have furniture that acturally match?!When I look around my house they're all different colours and what is with green?! Why is the colour of the walls GREEN??!!! I don't get how they can still keep this ancient junk.
Mostly wooden....
4. They think ahead
My mum ALWAYS buys clothes, shoes and everything else wearable for the "future"
So that's why my shoe is like a size larger than my actual shoe size.
5. They compare you to your friends
Or any other Asian kid that's way smarter than you...
They always compare me to my other SMARTER Asian friends like Sarah Y and Rebecca and Sarah Tran and Yun!!!
So my mum sees that Becca is getting another award and goes
"How come you don't have an award?" Rhetorical question.
So we visit Yun's shop and sees that she's studying.
"How come she's studying in the holidays and you're playing on the computer?"
"So, whose top in your class?"
"Erm...I dunno."
"Is Sarah or Rebecca smarter?"
"I dunno."
"You always say I dunno that means you don't know anything lah? How come other kids so smart how come you never study and always get bad mark?"
Note to self: B is a BAD mark.
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